Direct EMR

Streamline EMR Connections

Simplify data exchange with payers and vendors.

About the Service

Connecting to every EHR and mapping the data from different formats can be a complex and time-consuming process for providers. But with our Direct EMR service, we can simplify this process for you. 

Our interoperability solution, Episource Hub, streamlines data exchange by providing a chase list detailing specific data requirements. We then send this chase list to one of our trusted EMR integration vendors, who efficiently retrieves charts, ensuring accuracy and speed in data acquisition. Say goodbye to the hassle of manual data mapping and let us handle the heavy lifting for you. Focus on delivering quality patient care while we take care of your data integration needs.


Streamlined Data Exchange

Effortlessly exchange electronic medical records with various EHR systems.

Trusted Integration Vendors

Partner with trusted EMR integration vendors to efficiently retrieve charts, ensuring accuracy and speed in data acquisition.

Vendor Agnostic

Our service is vendor agnostic, allowing seamless integration with any EHR system, regardless of the vendor.

Time-Saving Solution

Save time on manual data mapping and integration tasks, allowing you to focus more on patient care.

Scalable Solution

Our service is scalable to accommodate the needs of practices of all sizes, from small clinics to large healthcare organizations.

Increase efficiency by eliminating the need for manual and digital chart retrieval techniques.

Reduce provider burnout with no more in-person retrieval or the need to grant access to each individual chart.

No disturbances to current systems.

Enhanced data security.

Our Impact


providers connected to our network


clinics connected to our network


health systems connected to our network


Episource Client

With the work they were doing for us, the transparency, and the ease of communicating, it was really a no-brainer to move that piece over as well.

Episource Client

What’s really neat to watch is how they continue to come up with a new addition to each tool or software program and to watch them build it out.

Episource Client

They’re able to give quick and decisive insight to where we’re able to quickly make a decision on a lot of the time-sensitive matters at hand.

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